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2022-2023 Courses

Sue Grand, PhD

September 23-25, 2022

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Dr Grand is faculty and supervisor at the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy; faculty, The Mitchell Center for Relational Psychoanalysis; faculty, The National Institute for the Psychotherapies; Visiting Scholar, The Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California; Fellow, The Institute of Psychology and the Other. She is an associate editor of Psychoanalytic Dialogues and a board member of Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society. She is the author of The Reproduction of Evil: A Clinical and Cultural Perspective and The Hero in the Mirror: From Fear to Fortitude. She has written extensively on the intersection of trauma, history, culture and politics. She has co-edited 2 books on the trans-generational transmission of trauma, as well as co-editing 2 volumes on relational theory. She is in private practice in Teaneck N.J.

Seminar title : Perpetrator Ghosts, Persecutory Objects: the inheritance of history

Seminar description In the trans-generational transmission of trauma, we have focused on the historic wounds we receive from our forebears. In this seminar, we consider the internalized persecutor ghost that can be transmitted by a victim and/or perpetrator heritage. This seminar explores the splitting, othering, and unconscious mandates for restitution and revenge that we can receive from this figure.  We will consider how this ghost manifests in the internal world,  in the therapeutic dyad and in politics and culture.

Selected Readings:

Grand, S 2018. The Other within:  White shame, Native American Genocide. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 54:1, p 84-102

Guralnik, O. (2014). The Dead Baby. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 24:2, p 129-145

Moss, D. (2010). War Stories. In: First Do No Harm: paradoxical encounters of Psychoanalysis, warmaking, and resistance. 2010. Eds: Harris, A. and Botticelli, S.. Routledge, New York pp 243-251.

Grand, S. (2010). Combat speaks II: Grief and Tragic Memory. Chapter 2 in The Hero in the Mirror: From Fear to Fortitude. Routledge, New York.

Vaughans, K (2017). To Unchain Blood Memories: intergenerational trauma among African Americans. In: Wounds of History: repair and resilience in the trans-generational transmission of trauma. Eds: Salberg, J. and Grand, S. 2017. Routledge, New York, pp 226-243.

Symposium conversation between Roger Frie and Sue Grand:

Frie, R. (2019). History’s ethical demand: memor, denial and responsibility in the wake of the Holocaust. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 29:2, p 122-142.

Grand, S. (2019). Excitations of Vengeance: the we-ness of history. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 29:2, p 143-150.


Gail Hornstein, PhD

October 7-9, 2022

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Dr. Hornestein is Professor Emerita of Psychology at Mount Holyoke College. Her research centers on the contemporary history and practices of psychology, psychiatry, and psychoanalysis, and her articles and opinion pieces have appeared in many scholarly and popular publications. She is author of two books: To Redeem One Person is to Redeem the World: The Life of Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, which questions standard assumptions about treatment through the story of a pioneering psychiatrist, and Agnes’s Jacket: A Psychologist’s Search for the Meanings of Madness, which shows how the insights of people diagnosed with psychosis can challenge fundamental assumptions about mental health, community, and human experience.  Her Bibliography of First-Person Narratives of Madness in English, now in its 5th edition with more than 1,000 titles, is used internationally by educators, clinicians, and peer organizations. She directs the Hearing Voices Research Project (a national research and training effort supported by the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care), and speaks widely about mental health issues across the US, UK, and Europe.

Seminar Title: Intensive psychotherapy as “mutual adventure”: Frieda Fromm-Reichmann’s pioneering approach

Seminar Description: Frieda Fromm-Reichmann became prominent for her clinical acumen – especially with seriously distressed patients – and her classic texts Principles of Intensive Psychotherapy (published 1950) and Selected Papers (published posthumously 1959) established her as an especially clear guide to navigating the complexities of psychological change. Her contributions to our understanding of the therapeutic relationship remain as relevant now as when first published, and her pragmatic optimism about the “mutual adventure” to which therapist and patient commit themselves continues to inspire clinicians from many backgrounds. This seminar will highlight key principles of Fromm-Reichmann’s approach, and apply them to case examples contributed by seminar participants.

Selected Readings:

Fromm-Reichmann, Frieda. (1950). Principles of intensive psychotherapy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Bullard, Dexter (Ed.). (1959). Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy: Selected papers of Frieda Fromm-Reichmann. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Hornstein, Gail A. (2005). To redeem one person is to redeem the world: The life of Frieda Fromm-Reichmann. New York: Other Press.

Silver, Ann-Louise S. (Ed.). (1989). Psychoanalysis and psychosis. Madison, CT: International Universities Press.

Claude Barbre, PhD

December 2-4, 2022

Complete Evaluation & Get CE Certificate

Claude Barbre, M.S., M.Div., Ph.D., L.P., is Distinguished Full Professor, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. He is Course-Lead Coordinator of the Psychodynamics Orientation, and lead faculty in the Child and Adolescent Focus, and Psychology and Spirituality Studies. In addition, he is a Board Member and Training Supervisor at The Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis (CCP), Chicago, IL. A teacher and a psychotherapist for the past 42 years, Dr. Barbre served for 12 years as Executive Director of The Harlem Family Institute, a New York City school-based, psychoanalytic training program working with children and families. Author of prize-winning articles, books, and poetry, Dr. Barbre is a former Editor of Gender andPsychoanalysis (IUP Press), and Associate Editor of the Journal of Religionand Health: Psychology, Spirituality, and Medicine (Springer Press) for 15 years. His edited books include:  with Esther Menaker, The Freedom to Inquire (Jason Aronson, 1995), and Separation Will, and Creativity: The Wisdom of Otto Rank (Aronson, 1996); with Alan Roland, and Barry Ulanov, Creative Dissent: Psychoanalysis in Evolution (ABC-Clio Press, 2003); and with Marcella Weiner and Paul C. Cooper, Psychotherapy and Religion:Many Paths, One Journey (Rowman and Littlefield, 2005). He is currently editing the papers of Margaret Morgan Lawrence M.D., entitled Plenty Good Room:The Selected Papers of Margaret Morgan Lawrence, and is completing an edited book on ecocriticism and ecopsychology. He is an eight-time nominee and five-time recipient of the international Gradiva Award in four separate categories (Book, Article, Book Chapter, and Poetry) “for outstanding contributions to psychoanalysis and the arts,” presented by the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP). In addition, he is a William B. Given Jr. Fellow of the Episcopal Church Foundation, and a Daniel Day Williams Fellow in Psychiatry and Religion at Union Theological Seminary, New York City. Before coming to Chicago in 2009, Dr. Barbre taught psychology and spirituality at Manhattan College and Fordham University, and served as a mental health counselor and chaplain at five hospital settings in Charlotte, NC. and New York City, NY. He was also a coordinator of the pastoral supervisory group Openings at Bellevue Hospital in NYC for 10 years.

Nominated three times by graduate students at The Chicago School for excellence in teaching (2012, 2015, 2016), Dr. Barbre is the 2017 recipient of the Ted Rubenstein Inspired Teaching Award, and the 2018 Distinguished International Research and Scholarship Award-- both presented by The Chicago School. He is also the recipient of the 2022 Distinguished Psychoanalytic Educator Award, from the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education (IFPE), and the 2022 Joanna K. Tabin Award for Exceptional Public Service, from the Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis (CCP). Dr. Barbre’s poetry has appeared in numerous journals, including Cold Mountain Review, Indelible, Sophrim, Mountain Summer, and Clio’s Psyche. He has recently read his poems at the Festival of Books in Dubai, UAE (American University), the London Center for Interdisciplinary Research (University of London), The London Arts-Based Research Centre (London), and the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society (Rutgers University). He is also the editor and coordinator of the Chicago poetry consortium, Zoas, and on the consultation board of the literary and arts journal, Indelible. Dr. Barbre is in private practice in Chicago, IL.

Seminar Title: Only That Breath Breathing Human Being: Psychoanalysis, Religious Ideation, and Spiritual Experience

Seminar descriptionLate in his life, Peter Heller, Anna Freud’s first child patient from the 1920s, critiqued the psychoanalytic movement for its “misjudgment or doctrinaire disregard of cosmic, spiritual, or religious dimensions in a way that limited and diminished humanity. In my child analysis this is suggested by the manner in which religious themes were ignored or set aside, and by blindness or withdrawal vis a vis major nonsexual aspects of existence, the prime instance being the interpretation of my preoccupation with and fear of death as ‘nothing but’ the expression of fear of the father and of my (aggressive, guilt-laden) relationship to him” (Heller, 1992, p. 57).

Otto Rank echoed Heller’s experience by writing in 1930s that psychoanalysis was in need of reclaiming “a psychology of soul”—a view that respects and corresponds to spiritual life of human beings that seek to create meaning in their lives through creative expressions. Rank argued that “a psychology with a soul” underscores that quality in our psychic life is not reducible to material existence or simply the determination of past experience; rather, Rank found an acausal freedom of the human spirit that transcends the principles of strict deterministic causalities-- the so-called “applied objective psychology.” In comparison, Edward Reed remarked, “a science as William James advocated, one based on lived experience, remains conspicuous by its absence,” further saying, “Once the science of psychology arrogates the right to reject out of hand the content of a person’s experience---because it is too inchoate, mystical, or whatever—it can no longer pronounce on the meaning of that experience. Psychology in its present divided state applies at best intermittently and incompletely to the lives most of us lead" (Reed, p.220).

Echoing these comments, Gerald May once lamented that when psychology and religion become engaged, religious views are more often than not annexed by psychology, ending up as “psychologized religion, a religion denuded of its legitimate transcendent focus” (1955). Charles Gerkin suggested a dialogical perspective and hope, saying that “theology is a unique and self-defined mode of discourse with its own traditions, its own rules of language, its own ways of viewing the cosmos and human behavior…. Yet, the languages of other disciplines can be of great assistance to theologians in what has come to be called a mutually critical dialogue" (Gerkin: 1997). Clearly, psychotherapy and spiritual experiences have much to gain by a critical mutual dialogue especially in regard to their shared worlds of hope and healing.

Keeping in mind James Joyce’s remark that “one needs to have a crossroad mind,” we can say that together these great rivers of psychoanalysis, religious ideation, and spiritual experiences create a contextuality constructed from an “intellectual commons” made possible by our views of the individual in a wider socio-cultural setting—a context suggesting a larger, more complex dimension of experience.

With this intellectual commons in mind, this presentation will examine the intersectional conversations between psychoanalysis and theoretical and therapeutic accounts of spiritual experience through examples in the work of psychoanalytic theorists (e.g. Otto Rank’s writing on “soul-making in clinical work”; C.G. Jung’s perspectives on “transcendent functions and the Self”; Wilfred Bion’s thinking of O, Michael Eigen’s writing on the “psychoanalytic mystic,” Thomas Ogden’s description of “dream and transformative thinking”) twinned with examples of spiritual phenomena experienced in clinical work (e.g. play, parabolic space, dreams) as intuitive models for psychoanalytic experience. We will conclude by reviewing the importance of spiritual assessments in clinical work with a focus on how to think about religious ideations and spiritual experience in clinical phenomenon.

David Lichtenstein, PhD

February 3-5, 2023

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Dr. Lichtenstein is is a psychoanalyst in private practice in NYC, working with both adults and children. He is the founding Editor of DIVISION/Review, Co-Founder of Aprรจs-Coup Psychoanalytic Association and Adjunct Faculty member at the NYU Post Doc. Institute for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, CUNY Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology and The New School University Dept of Philosophy, and has worked with Das Unbehagen (New York) and Le Cercle Freudien (Paris). He has written numerous articles and book chapters especially addressing psychoanalysis as influenced by the work of Jacques Lacan.  He is the co-editor of the recent book The Lacan Tradition (Routledge, 2018). He has led reading groups in New York for many years and is currently teaching Lacan for Clinicians a course for CE credit independently sponsored by the Fifth Floor Associates.

Seminar Title: The Contemporary significance of Lacan’s Approach to Psychoanalysis: The DeathDrive Reconsidered

Seminar description Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) was a French psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. He led a seminar in Paris from 1953 to 1980 that had a profound influence on the history of psychoanalysis in France, and throughout Europe and the rest of the world. His work has been known here in the US since the 1960 s but has been taken up more by scholars in the Humanities than by clinical psychoanalysts.  

The seminar will be an introduction to the clinical significance of Lacan s teaching and will place that significance in the contemporary context of psychoanalytic practice in the United States. In considering the importance that Lacan gave to speech and language in both the theory and the practice of analysis, we will link his views to current questions about the field and focus on intersubjectivity in psychoanalysis, the analytic relation and its third dimension, hermeneutics in psychoanalysis, translation and the function of unconscious signifiers, etc.

Lacan also considered the psychic and symbolic function of death to be central to psychoanalytic praxis as well. He reinterpreted Freud s Death Drive, replacing the biological foundation with one located in the psychic formation of the divided subject. The seminar will address this idea and consider its importance for the clinical process of psychoanalysis.

Selected Readings.

Eissler,K. R. (1971) Death Drive, Ambivalence, and Narcissism. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 26:25-78.

Freud, S. (1920) Beyond the Pleasure Principle. SE 18:1-64.

Lacan, J. (1979) The Neurotic s Individual Myth. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 48:405-425.

Lichtenstein, D. (2022) Forthcoming Book Chapter – Death and the Use of Pleasure (PDF will be supplied).

Nobus, D. (2021) Narcissism and the Pleasures of Extinction: For the Centenary of Beyond the         

Pleasure Principle . European Journal of Psychoanalysis Vol 8, No.1.

Segal, H. (1993) On the Clinical Usefulness of the Concept of Death Instinct. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 74:55-61.

Joyce Slochower, PhD

March 3-5, 2023

Complete Evaluation & Get CE Certificate

Joyce Slochower Ph.D., ABPP, is Professor Emerita of Psychology at Hunter College & the Graduate Center, CUNY.  Joyce is faculty and supervisor at the NYU Postdoctoral Program, the Steven Mitchell Center, the National Training Program of NIP (all in New York), Philadelphia Center for Relational Studies in Philadelphia and the Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California in San Francisco.  She is on the Editorial Boards of Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Ricerca Psicoanalitica and Psychoanalytic Perspectives and is on the Board of the IARPP.  Joyce has published over 100 articles on various aspects of psychoanalytic theory and technique.  Second Editions of her two books, Holding and Psychoanalysis: A Relational Perspective (1996) and Psychoanalytic Collisions (2006), were released in 2014 by Routledge. She is co-Editor, with Lew Aron and Sue Grand, of “De-idealizing relational theory: a Critique from within” and “Decentering Relational Theory: A Comparative Critique (2018, Routledge).  She is in private practice in New York City where she sees individuals and couples, runs supervision and study groups.

Seminar Title: Winnicott and a Relational Holding Model

Seminar Description : This seminar will review Winnicott s contributions as they first altered our understanding of clinical work and ultimately informed the relational turn.  I then offer an expanded understanding of what holding can look like in the consulting room.  Arguing both for and against the clinical power of holding, I unpack her own understanding of its varied clinical impact in different kinds of therapeutic knots.”  If we have time, I hope to also address the underbelly of our analytic ideal and what I ve called relational excess. 

Selected Readings.

There is far more relevant reading than we can cover in a weeklong seminar; I’m including a list of recommended readings for those who are interested.  The Winnicott readings are background, but if you haven’t read them already, please try to familiarize yourselves with these three: 


The aims of psychoanalytical treatment (Maturational Processes, 166-170) 

Dependence in infant care, in childcare, and in the psychoanalytic setting (Maturational processes, 249-260)

The use of an object and relating through identifications (Playing and Reality 8694)

Relational perspectives on clinical work

Slochower, J. (2014) Holding and Psychoanalysis.  London: Routledge. Chapters 3,5,6 

Slochower, J. (2014) Psychoanalytic Collisions. London: Routledge.  Chapters 4, 9, 10

Going too far: relational heroines and relational excess.  In De-idealizing Relational Theory: A Critique from Within. L. Aron, S. Grand & J. Slochower (eds).  London: Routledge, pp.8-34.

Recommended readings

Winnicott, D.W. 

The observation of infants in a set situation (Through Pediatrics, 52-69)

Hate in the Countertransference (Through Pediatrics, 194-203)

1989 Psychoanalytic Explorations. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press:

The motherinfant experience of mutuality (pp. 251260)

Fear of breakdown (8795)

Winnicott, D.W. (1965) The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment. 

Ego distortions in terms of true and false self (Maturational Processes, 140-152)

 A personal view of the Kleinian contribution (pp.171178)

The development of the capacity for concern (pp. 7382)

Winnicott, D.W. (1975) Through Pediatrics to Psychoanalysis.

The antisocial tendency (pp.306315) 

Winnicott, D.W.  (1975) Through Pediatrics to Psychoanalysis.

Transitional objects & transitional phenomena (pp.229-242)

Slochower, J. (2006) Chapter 3:  Creating inner space: the psychoanalytic writer.  In 

Psychoanalytic Collisions, Hillsdale, N.J. pp. 43-64. 

Winnicott, D.W. (1989) Psychoanalytic Explorations.

Fear of breakdown (pp. 8795)

Interpretation in psychoanalysis (pp. 207212)

Bollas, C. (1987) The Shadow of the Object.

Ordinary regression to dependence. (pp. 256274).\

Slochower, J. (1996). Holding and the fate of the analyst’s subjectivity.  Psychoanal. Dial., 6:323-353.

Slochower, J. (2013). Psychoanalytic mommies and psychoanalytic babies: a long view.  Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 49:606-628.

Chris Bonovitz, Psy.D

April 22-24, 2023

Seminar Title: When the Action is in the Interaction; The Origins of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis and its Recent Innovations

Seminar Description: In this seminar I will lay out the foundations of interpersonal theory with an emphasis on the nature of anxiety, the use of countertransference, dissociation and enactment, and the interpersonal field. I will elaborate on the historical background to these concepts and more recent contributions in these areas. Detailed clinical examples will be provided along the way.

Selected Readings:

Bonowitz, C. (2007) Whose Who in the Psychoanalytic Situation: Subject, Object, and Relational and Contemporary Kleinian Traditions. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 17:411-437

Bonovitz, C. (2010) The Intepersonalization of Fantasy: The Linking and De-Linking of Fantasy and Reality. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 20:627-641

Hirsch I (1987) Varying modes of analytic participation. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn. 15: 205-22

Hoffman IZ (1998). Ritual and spontaneity in the psychoanalytic process: A dialectical constructivist view. Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press


Nancy McWilliams, PhD

May 12-14, 2023


Dr. McWilliams is a retired professor of clinical psychology at Rutgers University’s Graduate School of Applied & Professional Psychology and practices in Lambertville, New Jersey. She is author of Psychoanalytic Diagnosis (1994, rev. ed. 2011), Psychoanalytic Case Formulation (1999), Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (2004) and Psychoanalytic Supervision (2021) and is associate editor of both editions of the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual (2006, 2017). A former president of Division 39 (Psychoanalysis) of the American Psychological Association, she has been featured in three APA videos of master clinicians. She is on the Board of Trustees of the Austen Riggs Center in Stockbridge, MA. Her books are available in 20 languages, and she has taught in 30 countries.

Selected Readings: Core Readings:

Lingiardi, V., & McWilliams, N. (Eds.) (2917). Psychodynamic diagnostic manual, 2nd ed. (PDM-2). Adult P-Axis (Chapter 1: Personality Syndromes). New York: Guilford.

McWilliams, N. (2012). Beyond traits: Personality as intersubjective themes. Journal of Personality Assessment, 94, 563-570.

McWilliams, N., Grenyer, B., & Shedler, J. (2018). Personality in PDM-2: Controversial issues. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 35(3), 299-305.

Recommended readings:

Caligor, E., Kernberg, O. F., Clarkin, J. F., & Yeomans, F. E. (2018). Psychodynamic therapy for personality pathology: Treating self and interpersonal functioning, esp. chs. 1-3. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.

Diamond, D., Yeomans, F. E., Stern, B. L., & Kernberg, O. F. (2021). Treating pathological narcissism with transference-focused psychotherapy. New York: Guilford.

Freud, S. (1916). Some character-types met with in psycho-analytic work. Standard Edition, 14, 311-333.

McWilliams, N. (2011).  Psychoanalytic diagnosis: Understanding personality structure in the clinical process, rev. ed.  New York: Guilford.

McWilliams, N. (2006). Some thoughts about schizoid dynamics. Psychoanalytic Rev., 93, 1-24.

McWilliams, N. (1999).  Psychoanalytic case formulation.  New York: Guilford.

Reich, W. (1933). Character analysis. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1972.

Shapiro, D. (1965).  Neurotic styles.  New York: Basic Books.

Steiner, J. (1993). Psychic retreats: Pathological organizations in psychotic, neurotic, and borderline patients. London: Routledge.


Alan Bass, PhD

June 7-9, 2023


Dr. Bass is a psychoanalyst practicing in New York City, where he is a training analyst and faculty member of IPTAR (the Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research).  He is also a member of the Contemporary Freudian Society, and is on the graduate philosophy faculty of the New School for Social Research.  He is the author of three books (Difference and Disavowal: The Trauma of Eros; Interpretation and Difference: The Strangeness of Care; and Fetishism, Psychoanalysis, and Philosophy) and the translator of four books by Jacques Derrida.

Seminar Title: Freud's Metapsychology

Seminar Description: The seminar will explain why Freud developed the theory of mind he called metapsychology, and then will delve into its various aspects from the beginning to the end of Freud's writings.  The emphasis will be on why this is a living theory, with important clinical ramifications. 

Selected Readings: All from the Standard Edition of Freud:

-Project for a Scientific Psychology, S.E. 1.

-"The Neuro-Psychoses of Defense," S.E. 3.

-The Aetiology of Hysteria, S.E. 3.

-The Interpretation of Dreams, Chap. 7.  S.E. 5

-"Instincts and Their Vicissitudes," S.E. 14.

-"Repression," S.E. 14.

-"The Unconscious," S.E.14.

-Beyond the Pleasure Principle, S.E. 18.

-"Neurosis and Psychosis," and "The Loss of Reality in Neurosis and Psychosis," S.E. 19.

-An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Chap. 8, S.E. 23.

"Nothing human is alien to me"  --Terrence

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