“The fellowship with CCP was transformative to my practice as a clinician, and to my life. The fellowship gave structured, supported space to think about clinical theory and practice which greatly increased my confidence as a practitioner. Perhaps most important was the opportunity to develop a community of loving peers and elders who I’m connected to years out from my start with the fellowship.” Cary Klemmer, PhD (he, him, his) Licensed Clinical Social Worker Through the Fellowship, I’ve gained a community of trusted colleagues, close friends, and a gifted mentor who has provided an extraordinary level of support for my professional growth. I’ve acquired clinical sensibilities that have transformed my work with my clients, and my relationships with those in the Fellowship have helped me to carve out a professional life that I had not been able to imagine for myself before. I could not have asked for a better way to find my footing in the clinical world; the value of the CCP Fellowship Program is truly unmatched. Ariane Potvin MA, Intern, Depth Counseling I have felt warmly received in a community where vulnerability is necessary for growth. My consultation group has covered topics and situations not necessarily spoken about in graduate school. Group members are encouraged to discuss and collaborate on strategies to best support patients. The group leader is a seasoned analyst who is able to draw attention to unseen details or patterns and ask thought provoking questions. By the end of the year, I feel honored to say that my group felt like family. Lindsay Murray, "Forever Student", Intern, The Willows About the ProgramThe CCP Fellowship Program is designed for all who wish to deepen their knowledge of psychoanalytic theory and practice. Addressing the needs of clinicians, students and career changers, the Fellowship is tailored to meet the different educational levels of individuals who are interested in beginning – as well as furthering – their psychoanalytic experience. The Fellowship Program is informal and supportive, and includes individual mentoring, small group monthly discussions, and public lectures. Who should apply?Practicing clinicians and graduate or postgraduate students in clinical psychology, social work, psychiatry, and related fields, such as early childhood development and the chaplaincy, are encouraged to apply along with career changers entering those fields. Applications may be submitted any time between March 1, 2025 and June 1, 2025. Program OfferingsThere are three components to the Fellowship Program:
What does it cost?Upon acceptance, Fellows must become CCP members for the 2025-26 academic year. The membership fee is $250 and is not due until the beginning of the fall. You will receive an invoice for the membership fee. Please do not pay the annual fee until you are invoiced, or you will not be considered a CCP member for 2025-2026. Thank you. When are applications due?Applications for the 2025-26 Fellowship Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis will be accepted beginning March 1, 2025 and must be received by June 1, 2025. Notification of acceptance will be announced upon completion of the application review. Fellows will receive program details, including the names of mentors and small group assignments, before the start of the academic year. Ongoing Fellowship opportunitiesA large percentage of our Fellows choose to continue their fellowship experience beyond the first year – and frequently for longer. Ongoing Fellows may choose any or all of the following: continuing individual mentorship, advanced small group participation, and participation in the Fridays@CCP Lecture Series. There is no application required for continued participation other than to fill out the Ongoing Personal Information Form, but Ongoing Fellows must re-join CCP each year, paying the Fellowship membership fee of $300. This membership includes admission to CCP events (Fridays and Sundays@CCP). Ongoing Fellows are invited to continue according to their individual desires and needs. To reserve your space as an Ongoing Fellow, please submit the Ongoing Fellowship Personal Information form (click button below). For questions, please contact Fellowship Committee Chair, Nancy Peltzman, LCSW (nbpeltz@gmail.com). Fellowship GroupsIn the Fellowship groups we invite students to create a space with trusted peer in which they can bring their most perplexing clinical and practice dilemmas. Conversations are enriched and deepened by the contrasting and common experiences of fellow clinicians who have different training and clinical experiences and work in different settings. Sometimes Fellows bring considerable amounts of life experience, or even professional expertise outside of the clinical realm. These discussions, hosted by experienced clinicians in their homes or offices or by Zoom, are lively, rich, validating, and always supportive. Discussions may be organized as case presentations, center around themes of common concern, or may make use of the clinical contributions of everyone present to the topics that have surfaced that week. Psychodynamic concepts and technique are the frame for every group meeting. Fellows have often found the groups such helpful experiences that they go on to pursue advanced psychodynamic education, consultation, personal therapy, and new directions in their career preparation and choice of work. Mentorship OpportunitiesPsychoanalytic knowledge has a long oral tradition. Historically transferred from generation to generation, be it through a formal psychoanalysis or through close supervision during psychoanalytic training, this way of learning has always proved to bring inspiration to the more formal aspects of a clinical education. Our CCP mentors, supervisors and consultants are part of this proud tradition. We are excited and pleased to be able to match each of our fellows with an individual mentor, an exceptional opportunity for both fellow and mentor. CCP mentors are Clinical Associate Faculty with CCP, listed as such on our website. They are experienced, psychodynamically oriented clinicians who agree to meet with individual fellows for a minimum of nine sessions over the course of an academic year, although in many cases, by mutual agreement, meetings are more frequent. Insofar as possible, mentors are matched with fellows according to the professional interests of each – for example, if a Fellow works or wishes to work with children, we do what we can to identify a child or family therapist. Fellow and mentor are free to choose a time and place convenient to both for their meetings. Mentors engage fellows as their inclinations guide them and the Fellows’ needs suggest. Sometimes that means doing close consultation around a case. At other times, the pair may choose to embark on projects of mutual learning. Or sessions may center on professional dilemmas, such as the difficulties young clinicians encounter in furthering their developing identity as psychoanalytically inclined therapists while they train in settings which are devoted to short-term therapy. The mentoring experience enriches both Fellow and mentor. Fellows cherish the opportunity to meet in an intimate setting with an experienced clinician, whereas the more senior clinician has the unparalleled opportunity to become a formative influence in that Fellow’s professional development. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please contact Nancy Peltzman, Chair of the Fellowship Program (nbpeltz@gmail.com) Questions?For further information or questions about the Fellowship Program, the Ongoing Fellowship, or the application process for 2025-26, please contact Fellowship Committee Chair, Nancy Peltzman, LCSW (nbpeltz@gmail.com) The current Fellowship Representative to the CCP Board of Directors is Kara Lessin, LCSW | New Applicants:Applicants should submit the following in Pdf Format between March 1 and June 1, 2025. Kindly put your name as a header at the top of each page, and your expected city of residence next year.
6. Mail two hard copies of your personal statement to: Nancy Peltzman, LCSW 400 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1030 Chicago Il 60611, by June 1. Your application is not complete until the copies of your statement have been received though you may send them by regular mail. The digital version of Items 1-3 above, including your letters of recommendation, should go the following address, where all admissions correspondence will take place:<applyfellowship@ccpsa.org> You may submit all the documents as part of a single packet. The Fellowship Committee members read applications as they come in, and if your educational goals and your credentials align with what the Fellowship Program has to offer, you will receive a call from one of our committee members welcoming you to the program. Please use that contact to ask any questions you need answered. At the end of August, you will receive information about your assigned mentor and your peer consultation group leader, as well as the schedule of lectures for the year. When the academic year begins you will have an opportunity to meet other Fellows in the program. Ongoing Fellows:Ongoing Fellows should write a brief statement describing their current interests in psychoanalytic psychotherapy, where they are working, and whether they have made an arrangement to continue working with their current mentor or are seeking a new one. They should also specify whether they wish to remain with their current group leader. The application to remain a Fellow is not complete until the applicant has mailed two hard copies of this statement to: Nancy Peltzman, Suite 1030, 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 60611. Kindly head each page of the statement with your name and where you intend to reside next year and the information that you intend to be an ongoing Fellow. If you will be in Chicago but need to be part of a virtual group, please make that known. In addition to reserve your space as an Ongoing Fellow, please submit the Ongoing Fellowship Personal Information form (click button below) |