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Distance Without Difference

Since the inception of The Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in 1984, its mission has been to create opportunities for all those interested in and eligible for our various programs to join, including and especially the Certificate in Psychoanalysis Training. 

Under the leadership of Carol Ganzer, PhD and Alan Levy, PhD, CCP restructured its psychoanalytic training program to offer most seminars during the weekends. The heart of this new program called Distance Without Difference, invites candidates from across the U.S. and abroad to join local candidates in our programs. Just as we have made it a priority to include teaching faculty from the Chicagoland area and elsewhere, we have been able to offer training to clinicians who reside outside the Chicago area and who may not have many opportunities for psychoanalytic training. Candidates come in from out of town for weekend seminars and case consultations, creating a diverse cohort that maintains community and flexibility. As a result of these efforts to reach out to all, our current cohort includes candidates from Illinois, California, Minnesota, Michigan, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Arkansas. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic when classes were offered only virtually, Distance Without Difference took on a new meaning. As often happens, the crisis offered an opportunity for development and healthy change. The shift to virtual meetings necessitated by the pandemic has enriched our offerings. Now, all candidates, whether local or distant, can choose to join in person, remotely, or make use of both modalities and continue to learn together, gathering at the same time.

Though Distance Without Difference has evolved and expanded, it continues to reflect CCP’s mission to extend an invitation to study with us in a dynamic and growing community.


Certificate in Psychoanalysis

  • The Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis offers an analytic training program that is egalitarian, supportive, and welcoming, where clinicians develop analytic skills and practice from diverse perspectives and in which one’s identity as a psychoanalyst can be developed along a self-designed path without a rigid cohort model or theoretical limitations.

    Building upon a classical foundation, our curriculum is open to the rich diversity of analytic thought.  We offer course work in contemporary approaches, such as object relations, self-psychology, developmental and attachment theories, as well as relational, intersubjective, feminist, Bionian, and Lacanian schools of thought.

    We invite outstanding psychoanalysts from throughout the United States (and occasionally from abroad) to teach in their area of expertise. Our curriculum, while presenting a sound grounding in fundamentals, is designed each academic year to include both topical ideas and educators whose work is of interest to our current candidate group. 

    The program offers rolling admissions where a potential candidate can apply at any time and enter the program upon acceptance at any point in the academic year.

    You can apply here:  --->

    Elements of the Training Program

    Basic requirements

    • Completion of 30 elective seminars
    • Three years of clinical case group conferences
    • Two or three supervised analyses (training cases)
    • A personal analysis
    • A final integrative graduation project
  • Elective Seminars

    The CCP curriculum is designed to provide courses and seminars in a systematic manner for completion over a period of five or more years. Because contemporary psychoanalysis, irrespective of variations in its current practice, rests solidly upon the foundation of Freud’s thought, candidates are required to take a minimum of two courses focused on Freud’s seminal writings.

    Courses are usually presented as an intensive three-day weekend seminar. The weekend courses usually meet for two hours on a Friday evening (7-9pm), six hours on Saturday (9am-1pm, lunch from 1-2:30pm, class continuing 2:30-4:30pm) and four hours on Sunday morning (9am-1pm). Classes usually involve discussion of assigned readings and related clinical material. We are currently experimenting with other areas of study that would benefit from weekly or bi-weekly meetings.

    The Psychoanalytic Certificate Program requires the completion of 30 elective seminars including three required seminars, on The Opening Phase of Analysis and two seminars on the writings of Freud. These required seminars will not be offered every year, and candidates should plan accordingly. Individual tutorials can be arranged when necessary.

    In addition to the 30 seminars, candidates must complete three years of clinical case group conferences, two or three supervised analytic cases, a final graduation project, and a personal analysis.

    Candidates may begin their coursework immediately upon acceptance into the program. They must enroll in a minimum of three seminars per year. Performance is evaluated on the basis of attendance only; no grades are given. CCP course offerings are determined prior to each academic year by the Curriculum Committee, which consists of graduates, candidates, and CCP Board members.

    Supervised Cases and Supervision

    Before beginning an analytic training case, candidates must complete:

      • One year of your own analysis
      • Completion of the Opening Phase class
      • Eight elective seminars (which includes the Opening Phase class)

  • Analytic case requirements

    Candidates identify analytic cases through outside or CCP referral, or through the conversion of existing psychotherapy cases. Candidates must complete a total of 820 clinical hours and may choose to work with either two or three cases.

    • If a candidate chooses to focus on two cases, a minimum of 410 clinical hours is required per case.
    • If a candidate chooses to focus on three cases, a minimum of 273 clinical hours per case is required.
    • A different supervisor is required for each analytic case.

  • Supervision requirements

    Supervisors, who must be analysts, are chosen by the candidate. While we recommend the first supervisory experience be in person, candidates may opt for telephone or video conference communication with supervisors from all over the world. It is expected that candidates have supervision with two or three different psychoanalysts.

    Candidates are required to complete a total of 180 supervisory hours.

    • If the candidate chooses to focus on two cases, the minimum required number of hours for each is 90.
    • If the candidate focuses on three cases, the minimum number of required supervisory hours for each of the first two cases is 70, with 40 hours required for the third case.
  • Prior to beginning a supervised case, candidates are asked to meet with their Progression Advisors. It is the candidate’s responsibility to contact the Progression Committee/Advisor to arrange for this discussion.  In total, candidates are expected to meet with their Advisors twice yearly, including prior to beginning a second or third case. Candidates will be required to complete six in-depth case reports on their training cases:

    • If a candidate has three training cases, two reports are required for each.
    • If a candidate has two training cases, three reports are required for each.
  • Once the required hours have been met, all candidates are required to consult monthly with a supervisor or analyst colleague of their choice regarding their ongoing clinical work with each training case, unless that case is attended to in formal supervision, even when the minimum requirements for patient contact and individual supervision have been completed.

    Personal Analysis

    Each candidate is expected to have completed a minimum of one year of personal analysis prior to beginning their supervised training cases.  It is assumed that candidates will use their personal analyses to inform their course work and clinical practice, and that they will continue their personal analyses as they see fit over the course of their training. Once candidates are accepted into the program, their personal analyses are considered strictly their private concern. Inquiries on the part of CCP regarding the candidate’s personal analysis are based only on the need to know that the candidate has begun the work and will take seriously this personal requirement.

    To apply, a potential candidate must have participated in five years of psychoanalytically orientated psychotherapy, and/or is currently in analysis, or has already completed their personal analysis.

    The Evaluation of Progression

    Upon acceptance into the program, each candidate is required to meet with their progression advisor. Progression, as a process, is developmental in nature, revealing a widening understanding of psychoanalytic concepts and an increasing comfort and proficiency in technique. CCP takes seriously its responsibility to evaluate and monitor a candidate’s process, particularly at three nodal points in their training: first, at the time of admissions, to evaluate an individual’s potential for success in the training program; second, when a candidate begins a supervised analysis, to determine his or her readiness for a first or additional analytic responsibility; and third, when a candidate has met all the requirements for graduation, to assess his or her readiness for certification as a psychoanalyst under the auspices of CCP.

    The criteria for evaluating CCP candidates arise directly from CCP’s mission to educate and to facilitate each candidate’s development by broadening his or her analytic sensitivities. The evaluation process is comprehensive and, at times, necessarily subjective, specific, and personal. A candidate’s personal analysis, however, is not evaluated in any way, nor is the candidate’s participation in coursework. Credit is granted on the basis of attendance during each 12-hour course. Under special circumstances, a minimum of 9 hours in attendance may be allowed for credit.

    Each candidate’s progression is documented through a series of forms, including case opening, closing, completion of clinical and supervisory hours, and an application for the final graduation project. In addition to these reports, which document the candidate’s progression through the training program, candidates are required to complete two or three case write ups on either three or two patients, respectively, for a total of six reports in all.  If the candidate elects to undertake three supervised cases, a report is due on each case following the first and second years of the work.  If the candidate elects to undertake two supervised cases, reports are due after the first and second year, but also after the third year of the work.  These write-ups will be supplemented with supervisors’ reports to be submitted on the same timetable.

    It is the hope of the Progression Committee that the writing of these reports and the subsequent discussion between candidate and supervisor will further the candidate’s personal and professional growth. This annual requirement reflects CCP’s belief in its responsibility to participate in the educational process of every candidate, just as it wishes to provide a serious curriculum of study.

    All forms and guidelines for the annual reports are available for download and printing through the CCP website. Directions for submission of the reports are also included.

    The Integrative Graduation Project

    This concluding project, generally undertaken following the completion of the other requirements, represents the integrative culmination of the candidate’s training. Because it is intended to offer the candidate the opportunity to create an optimal educational experience, there is considerable flexibility as to its format. Thus, the final project may take the more traditional form of a case presentation, an article, essay, or research study; or it may be created in an alternative format.

    This project serves as an indication of the candidate’s ability to contribute to the professional world. The final proposal and project must be reviewed by a committee of three psychoanalysts chosen by the candidate from among current and past board members, supervisors, faculty, and graduates of CCP. Upon completion and approval by the committee, candidates are invited to present their projects to the CCP Community.

    Requirements for Graduation

    Clinical candidates must meet the following requirements for graduation:

    • Completion of 30 seminars.
    • Three years of clinical case group conferences.
    • Analyses of three patients, with each analysis lasting at least 273 consecutive hours, meeting at least three times per week, or analyses of two patients, with each analysis lasting at least 410 sessions.
    • Completion of at least 70 hours of supervision for each of the first two of three cases with an additional 40 hours on the third case, or completion of 90 hours on each of two cases.
    • Completion of an integrative graduation project and its review by a three-member committee of psychoanalysts chosen by the candidate from among current or past board members, graduates, faculty and supervisors.

  • Academic Candidates

    Academic candidates must meet the following requirements for graduation:

    • Completion of 30 seminars
    • participation in three years of clinical case group conferences.
    • Completion of three supervised projects which would be interdisciplinary academic papers integrating psychoanalytic theory and the candidate’s field of focus or interest. These projects will include consultation equivalent to that for the clinical track, as determined by candidates, their mentors, and their Progression Committee advisor.
    • Completion of a final graduation project and its review by a three-member committee of psychoanalytic scholars chosen by the candidate from among current or past board members, graduates, faculty and supervisors.

Part-time Enrollment

CCP prefers that candidates enroll for courses on a full-time (7 courses per year) basis, in order to provide the greatest continuity and immersion in the program. However, because some candidates are limited as to time and money, candidates may enroll part-time as needed. Part-time candidates must enroll for a minimum of three courses per year.


The Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis is a nonprofit corporation organized and operated exclusively for educational and scientific purposes. Tuition for each year is determined by the projected yearly expenses for instructors, administrative services, and curriculum material divided by the number of students in attendance that year; thus, annual tuition may vary from year to year. Tuition for each seminar costs $900.  Books, journals, and materials fees are not included in tuition, although photocopied reading material may be provided to candidates enrolled in some courses.

Tuition must be paid in full before classes begin each quarter.

On rare occasions when an outstanding teacher may become unexpectedly available, previously unscheduled seminars may be added to the curriculum.

Tuition is not refundable. If a student is dropped for cause by the CCP Board, tuition for courses paid for but not yet taken may be refunded at the discretion of the Board. Courses may be added beyond the registration deadline as space permits, with payment due upon registration.

All applicants – full time, part time, and applicants with previous training – must complete the application form.

On Admission to the Psychoanalytic Candidacy Program

Upon acceptance into the program, all candidates must

    • Meet with their progression advisor
    • Meet with the program candidate representatives
    • Meet with the CCP Director of Administration

Application Procedure:

  • In addition to meeting the eligibility requirements set forth above, each potential candidate must complete an application for admission.

    Please include the following with your application:

  • A biographical statement, including a personal history and a statement of your motivations for deciding to become a psychoanalyst or psychoanalytic scholar.
  • Your Curriculum Vitae.
  • Three letters of reference from supervisors, consultants, or instructors familiar with your academic and clinical work.
  • For the clinical track, a copy of your state license.
  • For the clinical track, a copy of the cover page of your malpractice insurance and, if relevant, a detailed statement of claims made.
  • A non-refundable fee of $100. After your application has been received and reviewed, you will be contacted in order to arrange personal interviews with at least three members of the CCP Admissions Committee or Board of Directors.

  • Admissions decisions are made by the full Board of Directors or its Executive Committee, based on recommendations by the Admissions Committee. Applicants to CCP will be contacted via phone or email by the Director of Administration. After acceptance, candidates should enroll for courses for the current year and submit payment prior to the start of their first course.

    Applicants with Previous Training in Psychoanalysis

    Applicants with previous psychoanalytic training from other psychoanalytic institutes should follow the admissions requirements and procedures as stated above, but include, if relevant, the following:

  • A request to waive specific requirements for training, with a description of the experience to be credited.
  • Documentation of previous supervised cases.
  • A transcript for previously completed psychoanalytic course work.

This transcript must be prepared by the institution where the training was obtained, signed by the authorized personnel, and stamped with the seal of the school or notarized.

On Admission to the Psychoanalytic Candidacy Program

Upon acceptance into the program, all candidates must

  • Meet with their progression advisor
  • Meet with the program candidate representatives
  • Meet with the CCP Director of Administration


The Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis is a nonprofit corporation organized and operated exclusively for educational and scientific purposes. Tuition for each year is determined by the projected yearly expenses for instructors, administrative services, and curriculum material divided by the number of students in attendance that year; thus, annual tuition may vary from year to year. Tuition for each seminar costs $900.  Books, journals, and materials fees are not included in tuition, although photocopied reading material may be provided to candidates enrolled in some courses.

Tuition must be paid in full before classes begin each quarter.

On rare occasions when an outstanding teacher may become unexpectedly available, previously unscheduled seminars may be added to the curriculum.

Tuition is not refundable. If a student is dropped for cause by the CCP Board, tuition for courses paid for but not yet taken may be refunded at the discretion of the Board. Courses may be added beyond the registration deadline as space permits, with payment due upon registration.

All applicants – full time, part time, and applicants with previous training – must complete the application form.

Online Application Form

"Nothing human is alien to me"  --Terrence

(c) 2018 Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy

Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 6095, Evanston, IL 60204-6095

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