If you consider CCP your intellectual home, if you appreciate our vital community and our dedication to nurturing psychoanalytic ideas in a wide array of contexts, please consider enhancing your support of CCP. We now offer Sustaining Membership in CCP for as little as a $30 monthly donation, or $360/year. Sustaining Members are acknowledged on our website, and receive all the privileges of Basic Membership. If you are planning to become a member of CCP your endorsement will serve as a testament to your commitment to CCP. We now have the ability to accept credit cards, and will deduct the fee you specify of at least $30/month, or your one-time payment of $360 or more. We hope you will consider offering CCP your ongoing support, both financial and collegial, in the new year! Click here to become a sustaining member Supporters of CCPBarbre Claude Berardi-Colette Bernadette Borden William Bramlage Bridgette Brown Julia Burke Nancy Ganzer Carol Keesom Adina Komie Michael Levy Alan Logan Nell Mucha Zak Peltzman Nancy Reiner Peter Scholom Allan Turk, Charles |