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2021-2022 Courses

Richard Chefetz, MD

November 12-14, 2021

Complete Evaluation & Get CE Certificate

Dr. Chefetz is a psychiatrist in private practice in Washington, D.C. He was President of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (2002-3), and is a Distinguished Visiting Lecturer at the William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and Psychology. He is a faculty member at the Washington School of Psychiatry, the Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis, and the Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis. . He is a Certified Consultant at the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and is trained in Level I and II EMDR. Dr. Chefetz was editor of “Dissociative Disorders: An Expanding Window into the Psychobiology of Mind” for the Psychiatric Clinics of North America, March 2006, “Neuroscientific and Therapeutic Advances in Dissociative Disorders,” Psychiatric Annals, August 2005, and “Multimodal Treatment of Complex Dissociative Disorders,” Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 20:2, 2000, as well as numerous journal articles on psychodynamic and psychoanalytic perspectives on trauma and dissociation. In 2015 he published Intensive Psychotherapy for Persistent Dissociative Process: The Fear of Feeling Real, with W.W. Norton, in their Interpersonal Neurobiology series.

Seminar title : Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the Treatment of Complex PTSD and Dissociative Processes

Seminar description : See Below

Dear all, if you are reading this, then you are either a candidate or faculty at the Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis and getting ready for my visit; perhaps this will be in person, but we just don’t know if that will happen at this point in our journey through the SARS COV-2 pandemic. My intent in writing to you is to invite you to craft what we’ll study together. The core of our studies will be considerably built upon discussion of cases you are encouraged to bring to our seminars. I’m not going to ask that you send me a write-up in advance. That would give me time to study what you’ve written and tip the scales in a way that tilts the playing field of our discussion. Instead, I’ll listen to a 15-20 minute presentation “cold,” just like the rest of the people in the room, and then we’ll talk. I’m comfortable working this way, and I think it’s fair to candidates in an egalitarian manner. If you’d like to modify this, the let me know.

It would be easy to just send you a prepared packet of information/content and tell you what we’ll be doing beyond expanding upon the casework. But, the fact that you are at CCP suggests you are likely more the person who is excited about learning and has some idea of what you need to learn to round out your education. So, I’d like to be responsive to that, a priori.

Your mission, in reply, is to either choose one of the powerpoint or reading options noted above, or to suggest something else of interest. I’ve listed more papers than we could possibly discuss. So, you get to choose and whittle them down to a manageable level. Since you’ve invited me to work with you, I assume you’d like me to emphasize my work, but that might not fit your needs and I’m Okay with that. The names of the papers are in the grid preceding, and the papers are attached to the email I sent to Dr. Levy. I don’t know how you might like to communicate with me, but I’m open to suggestions. Of course, the process I’m suggesting might not be workable, and if so, I expect I’ll hear about it as well as potential remedies to my errant speculations.

I’m looking forward to my time with you and learning together. There is always room for more depth about how to understand human pain. This is especially true in consideration of the varieties in which adaptations to harsh misfortune, abject cruelty, and the adaptive processes themselves create the seemingly shape-shifting presentations of the people who employ us to help them live their lives in a healthier way. Thanks for your consideration.

Warmly, Rich

Suggestions for Saturday, and Sunday Program
with Options*

Richard A. Chefetz, M.D.: 

Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis: November, 12-14, 2021


Friday evening


all day

Sunday* morning


9 a.m. – 1 p,m.

Recognizing Dissociative Processes-ppt

Chefetz, R. A. (2000). Disorder in the therapist's view of the self: working with the person with dissociative identity disorder. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 20(2), 305-329.

Suicide and Self-Harm-ppt

Hendin, H., Maltsberger, J. T., Lipschitz, A., Haas, A. P., & Kyle, J. (2001). Recognizing and responding to a suicide crisis. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 31(2), 115-128.

Hendin, H. (1991). Psychodynamics of suicide, with particular reference to the young. American Journal of Psychiatry, 148(9), 1150-1158.

Hendin, H., Haas, A. P., Maltsberger, J. T., Szanto, K., & Rabinowicz, H. (2004). Factors contributing to therapists’ distress after the suicide of a patient. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(8), 1442-1446.


2:30-4:00 p.m.

Understanding Self-States-ppt

Chefetz, R. A., & Bromberg, P. M. (2004). Talking with “me” and “not-me”: A dialogue. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 40(3), 409-464.


7-9 pm

Presentation: “Humiliation is Not Just About the Intent to Shame and Degrade”


Donna Orange, PhD, PsyD

December 10-12, 2021

Complete Evaluation & Get CE Certificate

Dr. Orange is educated in philosophy, clinical psychology and psychoanalysis and teaches at NYU Postdoc (New York); IPSS (Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, New York); and in private study groups. She also offers clinical consultation/supervision in these institutes and beyond. Recent books are Thinking for Clinicians: Philosophical Resources for Contemporary Psychoanalysis and the Humanistic Psychotherapies (2010), and The Suffering Stranger: Hermeneutics for Everyday Clinical Practice (2011), Nourishing the Inner Life of Clinicians and Humanitarians: The Ethical Turn in Psychoanalysis, and Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics (2016), and most recently, Psychoanalysis, History, and Radical Ethics: Learning to Hear (2020).  2021 Visiting Professor of Phenomenology, Duquesne University.

Seminar Title: Psychoanalysis and Climate Justice

Seminar Description: For several years now, psychoanalysts, like the first-world public at large, have begun to take climate change as an emergency.  What took us so long, given that the warnings have been clear since the 1980s?  This seminar will consider psychoanalytic explanations, i.e. unconscious ones, including those belonging to the “normative unconscious” (Layton), and those belonging to the cultural unconscious in North America and Australia, those resulting from histories of settler colonialism and chattel slavery.  Together, we will attempt to understand (nachträglich) the impact of this history, and to craft a sense of how organized psychoanalysis and those with psychoanalytic sensibilities might engage going forward.

Selected Readings:(Just to start)

Orange, D. (2017). Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics. London, Routledge. [Please read this small book before the seminar].

Weintrobe, S. (2021). Psychological Roots of the Climate Crisis: Neoliberal Exceptionalism and the Culture of Uncare. New York, London, Bloomsbury.

Gardiner, S. M. (2011). A perfect moral storm : the ethical tragedy of climate change. New York, Oxford University Press.

Hansen, J. E. (2009). Storms of my grandchildren : the truth about the coming climate catastrophe and our last chance to save humanity. New York, Bloomsbury USA.

"In Storms of My Grandchildren, Dr. James Hansen--the nation's leading scientist on climate issues--speaks out for the first time with the full truth about global warming: The planet is hurtling even more rapidly than previously acknowledged to a climatic point of no return. Although the threat of human-caused climate change is now widely recognized, politicians have failed to connect policy with the science, responding instead with ineffectual remedies dictated by special interests. Hansen shows why President Obama's solution, cap-and-trade, which Al Gore signed on to, won't work; why we must phase out all coal; and why 350 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a goal we must achieve if our children and grandchildren are to avoid global meltdown and the horrific storms of the book's title"--Cover, p. 2.

Lifton, R. J. (2017). The climate swerve : reflections on mind, hope, and survival. New York, New Press.

Moss, D. (2016). "Our Crying Planet: An Approach to the Problem of Climate Change Denial." Psychoanal. Q. 85(1): 189-197.

Anton Hart, PhD, FABP,FIPA

January 28-30, 2022

Dr. Hart is Training and Supervising Analyst and Faculty of the William Alanson White Institute. He presents and consults nationally and internationally. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of Psychoanalytic Psychology and Contemporary Psychoanalysis. He has published articles and book chapters on a variety of subjects including psychoanalytic safety and mutuality, issues of racial, sexual, and other diversities, and psychoanalytic pedagogy.  He is a member of the group, Black Psychoanalysts Speak and, also, Co-produced and was featured in the documentary film of the same name. He teaches at The Manhattan Institute, Mt. Sinai Hospital, the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, the National Institute for the Psychotherapies National Training Program, the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, the Institute for Relational Psychoanalysis of Philadelphia, and the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis. He serves as Co-Chair of the Holmes Commission on Racial Equality in the American Psychoanalytic Association. He is in full-time private practice of psychoanalysis, individual and couple psychotherapy, psychotherapy supervision and consultation, and organizational consultation, in New York.

Seminar Title: Negative Impact and Radical Openness in the Psychoanalytic Process

Seminar description : This clinically focused course addresses the problem of analysts’ attachment to their own senses of personal goodness, an attachment that can prevent analysts from being maximally receptive to their analysands’ conveyance of information about negative impact and about aspects of analysts’ participation that are “bad”. Through presentation of case material by class members and the instructor, we will explore the instructor’s concept of Radical Openness as a pathway to ethical psychoanalytic conduct that may emerge from within the psychoanalytic relationship itself.

Selected Readings

Hart, A. H. (2019). Why diversities? The American Psychoanalyst, 53(3), 8-10. 

Matheny, B., Teng, B., & Hart, A. (2021). Radical Openness: An interview with Anton Hart (Part I). Room, 2:21, 14-17.

Matheny, B., Hart, A., & Teng, B. (2021). Radical Openness: An interview with Anton Hart (Part II). Room, 6:21, 38-43.

Hart, A. H., Shadbolt, C., Fowlie, H., Minikin, K. (2018). IARTA On-line symposium: “Psychoanalytic ethics that go beyond oaths or codes: Seeking safety from within the analytic dialogue Itself.” 

Levinas, E. (1969). Totality and infinity. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press. [selections]

Levinas, E. (2003). Humanism of the other. Chicago: University of Illinois Press. [selections]

Levenson, E. A. (1988). The pursuit of the particular: On the psychoanalytic inquiry. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 24, 1-16

Spotnitz, H. (1976). Psychotherapy of Preoedipal conditions: Schizophrenia and severe character disorders. New York: Jason Aronson. (Chs. 1-4)

Neil Altman, PhD

February 18-20, 2022

Complete Evaluation & Get CE Certificate

Dr. Altman is a member of the faculty at the William Alanson White Institute in New York City, at the Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis, Honorary Member of the William Alanson White Society, and Visiting faculty at Ambedkar University of Delhi, India.  He is Editor Emeritus and Associate Editor of Psychoanalytic Dialogues, and on the editorial staff of The Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, The Journal of Child Psychotherapy, and The International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies.  He is author of  Psychoanalysis in Times of Accelerating Cultural Change: Spiritual Globalization (2015), The Analyst in the Inner City: Race, Class and Culture through a Psychoanalytic Lens, (2010), and White Privilege: Psychoanalytic Perspectives (2020). :He is co-author of Relational Child Psychotherapy (2002). Dr.Altman has published more than sixty articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Seminar Title:Race, Social Class, and Culture in Psychoanalytic Therapy.

Seminar description: In this seminar we will study how the social phenomena of race, social class, and culture can be understood from a psychological, psychodynamic, perspective. Further, we will explore how the social identifications and affiliations of patient and therapist interact in the therapeutic relationship and the implications for technique and for the progress of the therapy.

Selected Readings

1.Altman, N. (2021) White Privilege: Psychoanalytic Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge.  

2.Altman, N. (2015) Psychoanalysis in Times of Accelerating Cultural Change: From Spirit Possession to Globalization. London and New York: Routledge. 

3.Altman,N (2010). The Analyst in the Inner City: Race, Class and Culture through a Psychoanalytic Lens Volume 2. New York and London: Routledge.

4. Baldwin J. (1993) The Fire Next Time. New York: Vintage International

5..Morrison, T. (1993) Playing in the Dark; Whiteness and the Literary Imagination. New York: Vintage International.

6. Leary, K. (2000) Racial enactments in dynamic treatment.  Psychoanalytic Dialogues 10:639-654. Also discussion by Adrienne Harris (“haunted talk and healing action: commentary on paper by Kimberlyn Leary”) and response by Leary, immediately following             

7. Suchet, M. (2007) Unraveling Whiteness.  Psychoanalytic Dialogues 17:6 876-886

8. White, C., (2015) Strangers in Paradise: Trevor, Marley and Me: Reggae Music and the Foreigner Other.  Psychoanalytic Dialogues 25 (2) 176-193

9.Esprey, Y. (2017) The problem of thinking in black and white.race in the South African clinical dyad. Psychoanalytic Dialogues 27(1) 20-35, with commentary by Altman and Espry’s response.

10. White, K.P. Surviving hating and being hated: some personal thoughts  about racism from a psychoanalytic perspective.  Contemporary Psychoanalysis 38:401-422.

10. Williams, P. (1998)  The Ethnic Scarring of American Whiteness, in Lubiano, W. (Ed.) The House that Race Built.  New York: Vintage Books pp. 253-263            

11. Sennett,  R. & Cobb J. (1972) The Hidden Injuries of Class  NY: Norton. Introduction.

12. Smith, Laura (2005), Psychotherapy, classism, and the poor: Conspicuous in their absence. Am. Psychol. 7: 687-696.

13. Martin-Baro, I (1994) Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

14. Fanon, F. (1962) Black Skin, White Masks.  New York: Grove Press.

15. Wilkerson, I. (2020) Caste: the Origin of our Discontents.  New York: Random House.

Peter Reiner, PhD, LMFT

March 11-13, 2022

Complete Evaluation & Get CE Certificate

Dr. Reiner is Vice-President and Faculty of the Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis (CCP), Faculty at The Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University, and was Coordinator of Clinical Training at the Family Institute of Chicago.  Peter is an award-winning teacher who has led more than 50 graduate and post-graduate classes or seminars in systemically-oriented couple and family psychotherapy and psychodynamically-oriented psychotherapy.  Dr. Reiner has written at length about the training and supervision of psychodynamically-oriented couple and family therapists, including “Training psychodynamic family therapists,” (in Lebow, Chambers, & Breunlin [Eds.] Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy, 2017) and “Systemic psychodynamic supervision,” (in Todd & Storm [Eds.], The Complete Systemic Supervisor:  Context, Philosophy, and Pragmatics [2nd ed.], 2014).  Dr. Reiner maintains a private practice in Chicago of psychoanalysis; psychoanalytic and systemic psychotherapy with individuals, couples, and families; and consultation.

Seminar Title: Enhanced Couple Therapy:  Integrating the Psychodynamic

Seminar Description :This clinically-based course will provide a review of selected concepts and techniques of couple therapy, and will enhance participants’ theoretical and clinical skills through the introduction and application of key psychoanalytic contributions.  Drawn from the classical, object relations, self-psychology, and relational models, these psychoanalytic understandings will be used to inform a broad array of clinical work with couples, ranging from short-term, present-oriented approaches to long-term, in-depth, historically-oriented couple therapy.    

Videotapes of consultation interviews will be used extensively to illustrate important clinical moments, interventional choice points, and a range of associated treatment techniques.  This clinical material will also be viewed through the lenses provided by selected classic and contemporary readings that will facilitate the integration of systemic and psychodynamic theories, clinical formulation, and technique.

Selected Readings (This list will be revised shortly and arranged by topic.  Approximately one-half of the readings will be optional).

Catherall, D. (1992).  Working with projective identification in couples.  Family Process, 31, 355-367.  

Fairbairn, W.R.D. (1963).  Synopsis of an object-relations theory of personality.  International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 44, 224-225.  

Lansky, M.  (1986).  Marital therapy for narcissistic disorders.  In N. Jacobson & A. Gurman (Eds.), Clinical handbook of marital therapy (pp. 557-574).  NY:  Guilford.

Leone, C. (2008).  Couple therapy from the perspective of self psychology and intersubjectivity theory.  Psychoanalytic Psychology, 25(1), 79-98.

MacIntosh, H.  (2018).  From application to approach:  A systematic review of 50 years of psychoanalytic couple therapy.  Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 38(5), 331-358.

Middelberg, C. (2001).  Projective identification in common couple dances.  Journal of 

Marital and Family Therapy, 27(3), 341-352. 

Mitchell, V. (2016).  Couples therapy with same-sex and gender-variant (LGBT) couples:  

Sociocultural problems and intrapsychic and relational consequences.  In E. Lawrence 

& K. Sullivan (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of relationship science and couple interventions, (pp. 241-259).  Oxford University Press.

Nielsen, A. (2019).  Projective identification in couples.  Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 67(4), 593-624. 

Nielsen, A. (2016).  A roadmap for couple therapy:  Integrating systemic, psychodynamic, and behavioral approaches. 

 NY:  Routledge.

Pinsof, W., Breunlin, D., Chambers, A., Solomon, A., & Russell, W.  (2015).  Integrative problem-centered metaframeworks approach.  In A. Gurman, J. Lebow, & D. Snyder, (Eds.), Clinical handbook of couple therapy (5th ed.).  NY:  Guilford.  

Pinsof, W.  Therapist operations.  (1988, Unpublished, pdf). 

Reiner, P. (2014). Systemic psychodynamic supervision. In T. Todd & C. Storm (Eds.), The complete systemic supervisor:  Context, philosophy, and pragmatics, 2nd ed., (pp. 166-185). Chichester: Wiley.  (Suggested reading:  pp. 166-170.) 

Reiner, P. (2017).  Training psychodynamic family therapists.  In J. Lebow, A. Chambers, & D. Breunlin (Eds.), Encyclopedia of couple and family therapy, (DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_665-1).  Springer International Publishing AG.

Ringstrom, P. (2018).  Relational psychoanalytic perspective on couples psychotherapy.  Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 38(5), 399-408.  

Scarf, M.  (1986a).  Intimate partners:  Patterns in love and marriage (Part 1).  Atlantic Monthly, Nov., 45-51, 91-93.  

Scarf, M.  (1986b).  Intimate partners:  Patterns in love and marriage (Part 2).  Atlantic Monthly, Dec., 66-76.

Scharff, D. (1996).  The major trends in object relations theory and practice.  In D. Scharff (Selected and integrated) Object relations theory and practice:  An introduction (pp. 1-23).  Northvale, NJ:  J. Aronson.  

Scharff, D., & de Varela, Y.  (2006).  A clinical introduction to couple therapy.  In J. Scharff & D. Scharff (Eds.), New paradigms for treating relationships, (pp. 43-50).  Lanham, MD:  J. Aronson.

Sevier, M., Brew, L., & Yi, J. (2016). Cultural considerations in evidence-based couples 

therapy.  In E. Lawrence & K. Sullivan (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of relationship 

science and couple interventions, (pp. 225-240).  Oxford University Press.  

Trop, J.  (1996). An intersubjective perspective of countertransference in couples therapy.  In M. Soloman & J. Siegel, Eds., Countertransference in couples therapy, (pp. 99-109).  NY:  Norton. 

Wachtel, E. F. (2017).  The heart of couple therapy:  Knowing what to do and how to do it.  NY:  Guilford.  

Anthony Bass, PhD

April 8-10, 2022

Dr. Bass is an associate professor and supervising analyst at the New York University Postdoctoral Program for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. In addition, he is on the faculty of a wide range of training programs and institutes, including the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, the NIP National Training Program, the Institute for Relational Psychoanalysis of Philadelphia, the Stephen Mitchell Center for Relational Studies, for which he also serves as President, and others. He has been an associate and executive editor of Psychoanalytic Dialogues: The International Journal of Relational Perspectives since it was founded it 1991, and has been its Joint Editor in Chief since 2006. He lectures and leads clinical workshops and study groups throughout the United States and Europe, with an emphasis on the contribution of Ferenczi’s clinical discoveries to contemporary relational technique.

Seminar Title: The Therapy Relationship: Countertransference, A Dialogue of Unconsciouses and the Uses of the Self.

Seminar Description: In this seminar we will explore the therapeutic uses of countertransference, and the  nature of the psychotherapeutic relationship in depth.  We will discuss readings that bear on countertransference, psychoanalytic relations, and we will further engage the subject by direct study of difficult or challenging cases that candidates will provide.  Each participant should come prepared to present some process from work with a patient who evokes strong feelings in  the therapist.  

The seminar is meant deepen our grasp of unconscious dimensions of psychoanalytic relating through our engagement with difficult analytic moments that seminar participants will be invited to offer. Participants will have an opportunity to share their work with patients with whom they have found themselves to be unusually intensely involved: that is, with patients who have evoked especially intense reactions in their therapist. Such analytic moments are often at the heart of enactments in psychoanalytic work. They  provide special opportunities for gaining access to the ways in which the unconscious life of patient and analyst emerge and interact in the work, creating special challenges and special opportunities for deepening the work of therapy.  Participants are invited to come to the workshop prepared to share some clinical process from their own practices as a way of exploring the unconscious experience at the heart of the therapeutic work. Implications for how we make use of the way we respond to our patients, and how this shapes our sense of ‘clinical technique’ will be explored.   Readings will be used to enrich and enhance discussion of such difficult therapeutic moments and processes.

Selected Readings:

Aron, L. (1992). Interpretation as Expression of the Analyst's Subjectivity. Psychoanal. Dial., 2:475-507. 

Bass, A. (2001). It Takes One to Know One; or, Whose Unconscious Is It Anyway?. Psychoanal. Dial., 11:683-702.

Bass, A. (2001). Mental Structure, Psychic Process, and Analytic Relations— How People... Psychoanal. Dial., 11:717-725.

Williams, P. (2001). Object Relationships—Symmetry and Asymmetry: Commentary on Paper b... Psychoanal. Dial., 11:711-716.

Bass, A. (2003). “E” Enactments in Psychoanalysis: Another Medium, Another Messag... Psychoanal. Dial., 13:657-675

Bass,A.(2007). When the frame doesn’t fit the picture. Psychoanal. Dial.,17:1: 1-27.

Bass, A. (1996). Holding, Holding Back, and Holding on Commentary on Paper by Joyce Slochower. Psychoanal. Dial., 6:361-378.            

Bass, A.  (2009).An Independent Theory of Clinical Technique Viewed Through a Relational Lens: Commentary on Paper by Michael Parsons. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Volume 19, Issue 3 May 2009 , pages 237 - 245                                               

Bass, A. (2015). The Dialogue of Unconsciouses, Mutual Analysis and the Uses of the Self in Contemporary Relational Psychoanalysis. Psychoanal. Dial., 25:2-17.The Dialogue of Unconsciouses, Mutual Analysis and the Uses of the Self in Contemporary Relational Psychoanalysis

Black, M.J. (2003). Enactment: Analytic Musings on Energy, Language, and Personal Growth. Psychoanal. Dial., 13:633-655.

Bollas, C. (1983). Expressive Uses of the Countertransference—Notes to the Patient from... Contemp. Psychoanal., 19:1-33. 

Bromberg, P.M. (1996). Standing in the Spaces: The Multiplicity Of Self And The Psychoanalytic Relationship. Contemp. Psychoanal., 32:509-535. […

Bromberg, P.M. (1991). On Knowing One's Patient Inside Out: The Aesthetics of Unconscious Communication. Psychoanal. Dial., 1(4):399-422. […]                    

 Davies, J.M. (2003). Falling in Love with Love: Oedipal and Postoedipal Manifestations of Ideali... Psychoanal. Dial., 13:1-27.  

 Ferenczi, S.  Selections from the Clinical Diary of Sandor Ferenczi  and The Confusion of Tongues between the Child and Adult

Ghent, E. (1990). Masochism, Submission, Surrender—Masochism as a Perversion of Surrender. Contemp. Psychoanal., 26:108-136. […]

Ogden, T.  Analysing Forms Of Aliveness And Deadness Of The Transference-Countertransference

Parsons, M.   An Independent theory of Clinical Technique. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Volume 19, Issue 3 May 2009 , pages 221 - 236

Slochower, J. (1996). Holding and the Fate of the Analyst's Subjectivity. Psychoanal. Dial., 6:323-353.

Suchet, M. (2004). Whose Mind Is It Anyway?. Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 5:259-287.

Bass, A. (2004). “Imagine, I Am a Great Soothsayer”— The Future Is Now: Co... Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 5:303-316.    

Nina Thomas, PhD

May 6-8 2022

Dr. Thomas is a licensed psychologist and certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology in Psychoanalysis in Psychology and by the National Board of Health Service Providers. She is also certified as a group psychotherapist by the National Registry of Group Psychotherapy. Dr. Thomas specializes in individual, couples, group and family therapy with particular expertise in working with a variety of trauma conditions. She maintains a private practice in Morristown, NJ and New York, NY.

With over 25 years experience as a licensed psychologist, psychoanalyst and certified group psychotherapist and as a graduate of Columbia University’s Teachers College and of the NYU Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, Dr. Thomas specializes in relational psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. She currently works in private practice. Dr. Thomas has presented at numerous national and international conferences and to general audiences speaking on the topics of trauma of illness, loss and other catastrophic events; on family and marital relationships, women’s issues, fathering, divorce and being a woman in today’s world.

Seminar title: Decolonizing the clinical space.

Seminar Description: The program for Saturday and Sunday is designed for active Interaction among all participants to further our experience of holding the history of our patients, particularly when it involves historical racial or ethnic traumas in the context of recognizing the utility of incorporating culturally synotonic modes of working.

Saturday May 7th Schedule - Morning

1. Didactic presentation using multiple media to define and elucidate the task of decolonizing psychoanalysis including interaction to elicit participants’ awareness and knowledge of modes of healing within the communities with which they live and work.- 60 minutes

2. Case presentation by attendee - 20 minutes

3. Breakout group for discussion of case - 30 minutes

4. Break - 10 minutes 5. Resume large group for further didactic - 25 minutes

6. Breakout groups for discussion of issues raised by didactic and earlier session discussion - 30 minutes LUNCH Saturday Schedule - Afternoon

1. Response to morning session - Q&A and discussion - 20 mins.

2. Further videos on decolonization and “Lecture” 40 mins

3. Breakout groups for small group discussion of material - 30 minutes.

4. Return to large group for final discussion of the day - 30 minutes

Sunday May 8th (10 - 12)

1. Presentation of case material by an attendee selected in advance who has presented the written case material to me and where the case involves issues of the history of racial/ ethnic trauma play a role. - 1 1/4 hour

2. Open discussion by all attendees of issues raised in case material as related to inclusion-exclusion of patient’s cultural knowledge and expertise. - 45 minutes.

Selected Readings: 

Caflisch, (2020) When reparation is felt to be impossible: persecutory guilt and breakdowns in thinking and dialogue about race, Psychoanalytic dialogues, 30, pp.578-594. 

Layton, L. (2019) Transgenerational hauntings: Toward a social psychoanalysis and an ethic of dis-illusionment, Psychoanalytic dialogues, 29:2, pp. 105-121 

Swartz, S. (2020) “Giving In, giving up, and being blown to smithereens: A discussion of “‘When reparation is felt to be impossible’: Persecutory guilt and breakdowns in thinking and dialogue about race.” Psychoanalytic dialogues, 30:613–620, 2020 

Yakushko , O.(2021) On the dangers of transnational influences of western psychology: Decolonizing international perspectives on women and therapy, Women and therapy, 44:1-2, pp.193-211. 

Yi, K. (2014). Toward formulation of ethnic identity beyond the binary of white oppressor and racial other. Psychoanalytic psychology, 31(3):426-434.

Dominique Scarfone, MD

June 24-26, 2022

Complete Evaluation & Get CE Certificate

Dr. Scarfone is recently retired from his practice of more than 40 years and from his role as training and supervising analyst in the Canadian Psychoanalytic Society & Institute (Montreal French Branches). A former full professor at the Université de Montréal, he was for many years an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis. He is presently chairing the Executive committee of the International Journal’s College. 

The author of  numerous journal articles and book chapters, he also published a number books, among which Laplanche: An introduction and The Unpast. The Actual Unconscious, both in 2015 in New York by UIT-The Unconscious in Translation. He co-edited with Howard B. Levine and Gail Reed. Unrepresented States and the Construction of Meaning (Karnac, 2013). A new two-volume book is in preparation, with the provisional title : The Reality of the Message. Seduction, trauma and transference (New York : UIT) .The first volume is expected in the Fall of 2021.

Seminar Title: The psychoanalytic moment. Quantity, Affect, Representation, Time.

Seminar Description: If we take the notion of unconscious seriously, the psychoanalytic endeavour asks of the practitioner to work on two different planes simultaneously: the plane of care and sympathy for the patient, and the plane of dispassionate exploration. While care and sympathy (or empathy) stem from a natural disposition, dispassionate exploration is the more difficult part. One reason for this is that, analysis works to lift the repression and allow for the living experience of matters to which the access was denied. Analytic exploration, therefore, works by definition against the pleasure principle and thus requires an upstream rowing of sorts. Another reason is that the exploration meets a complex array of systems and subsystems, with various types of organisations forming the living entity we call the body-psyche. 

One ensuing question is then how to prevent the sympathy for the patient from interfering with an effective work of discovery. For while the former appears as highly desirable and pertains to the expected deontological stance, the latter is the most specific aspect and pertains to the fundamental ethics of psychoanalysis. Interestingly, both attitudes can be shown to rest on a metapsychological basis going back to early Freudian insights about the psyche’s quantitative and qualitative dimensions.

During this course we will reexamine some fundamental aspects of Freud’s metapsychology in the light of the general questions raised above. This will take us from the quantitative (economic) point of view to the more complex mechanisms dealing with dream, fantasy and the après-coup structure of psychic time.

Selected Readings:

1- Freud’s works   :

(1895)  Project for a Scientific Psychology - Parts 1 and 2.

(1899)   Screen memories.

(1900) The interpretation of dreams, Chapters 2, 3 and 6.

(1914) Remembering, Repeating and Working-Through.

(1915) Metapsychology papers: Instincts and their Vicissitudes and The Unconscious.

2- Other works :

Jean Laplanche New Foundations for Psychoanalysis (Transl. by Jonathan House), New York: The Unconscious in Translation, 2016. 

Michel de M’uzan, Slaves of quantity  Psychoanalytic Quarterly, vol. LXXII,  2003, p. 711-725.

Dominique Scarfone, From Traces to Signs, in (H. Levine, G. Reed and D. Scarfone, Editors)  Unrepresented States and the Construction of Meaning, London : Karnac Books.

"Nothing human is alien to me"  --Terrence

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