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Fridays @CCP: Fashioning a New Psychoanalysis: Freudianism and the Masses Between the World Wars

  • 15 Mar 2019
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • 180 N Michigan Ave. Conference Room 507 (on the 5th Floor), Chicago IL

Fridays@CCP March 15, 2019

Phillip Henry, PhD

Fashioning a New Psychoanalysis: Freudianism and the Masses Between the World Wars

180 N Michigan Ave. Conference Room 507 (on the 5th Floor).

Chicago, Il

7-8.30 PM: Presentation and discussion

About the presentation:In 1909, Sigmund Freud wrote, “half in jest, but really quite seriously,” that psychoanalysis “requires a state of normality for its application,” so that it meets the “optimum of favorable conditions when its practice is not needed – i.e., among the healthy.”  Almost a decade later, at the close of the First World War, however, these “favorable conditions” had all but vanished and nothing resembling a “state of normality” – psychic or social – could be discerned.  Having emerged and matured within a staid upper-middle class milieu in a traditional, hierarchical society, psychoanalysis was plunged into a volatile era of mass democracy amid the social collapse and political disintegration that marked the war’s end.  In this new and threatening landscape, psychoanalysts were confronted by an expanding array of disorders that flagrantly transgressed Freud’s earlier criteria and bore little resemblance to the “good bourgeois” disorders of what henceforth would be termed “classical” psychoanalysis.  The formerly exceptional had become the norm.

This lecture explores how Freudians responded to this transformed psychosocial environment – how they revised their models of the mind and mental disorder and recast the politics of analytic therapy, all while struggling to preserve the identity of their theory and practice.  Beginning with the encounter with the war neuroses, it explores how the confrontation with these mass disorders informed novel approaches to a range of psychosocial problems that lay beyond the purview of “classical” analytic therapy.  By way of conclusion, the lecture considers how these revisions, in turn, gave rise to a series of controversies that would redefine the psychoanalytic profession over the coming decades.

Phillip Henry, PhD.,received his Ph.D. in History from the University of Chicago in 2018.  His current project – provisionally titled, Freudian Revolutions: States of Exception and the Remaking of Psychoanalysis, 1918-1950 – explores the recasting of Freudian theory and practice in Europe and America in response to the social and political crises that defined the decades following the First World War.  His work has appeared in the journals Modern Intellectual HistoryCritical Historical Studies, and Contemporary Austrian Studies.  Currently, he is a lecturer in the College at the University of Chicago and a research assistant for the Journal of Modern History.

This event is free and open to members of the CCP community and general public, but due to limited seating those who wish to attend must reserve a space by emailing John Garver at This will not be a catered event, so please feel free to bring your own light refreshments. 

"Nothing human is alien to me"  --Terrence

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