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2024-2025 Course Registration

    • 8 Mar 2025
    • 9 Mar 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • Kinzie Hotel, 20 West Kinzie St., Chicago, IL (and via Zoom)

    Howard Levine, MD

    Beyond Neurosis:
    Freud's Theory of Representation and the Expansion of Psychoanalytic Technique

       March 8-9, 2025

    Kinzie Hotel

    20 West Kinzie Street, Chicago 

    & ZOOM

    Dr.Howard B. Levine, is a member of APSA, PINE, the Contemporary Freudian Society and Pulsion, on the faculty of NYU Post-Doc’s Contemporary Freudian Track, on the Editorial Board of the IJP and Psychoanalytic Inquiry, editor-in-chief of the Routledge Wilfred Bion Studies Book Series and in private practice in Brookline, Massachusetts. He is the author of Transformations de l’Irreprésentable (Ithaque 2019) and Affect, Representation and Language: Between the Silence and the Cry (Routledge 2022) and editor of The Post-Bionian Field Theory of Antonino Ferro (Routledge 2022), The Freudian Matrix of Andre Green. Towards A Psychoanalysis For The 21st Century by André Green (Routledge/IPA 2023) and Andre Green’s On The Destruction and Death Drives (Phoenix/Karnac 2023). His co-edited books include Unrepresented States and the Construction of Meaning (Karnac 2013); On Freud’s Screen Memories (Karnac 2014); The Wilfred Bion Tradition (Karnac 2016); Bion in Brazil. (Karnac 2017); The Clinical Thinking of W.R. Bion in Brazil (Routledge 2024); Andre Green Revisited: Representation and the Work of the Negative (Karnac 2018); Covidian Life (2021 Phoenix); Psychoanalysis of the Psychoanalytic Frame Revisited: A New Look at Bleger’s Classical Work (Routledge/IPA, 2022); and Autistic Phenomena and Unrepresented States: Explorations in the Emergence of Self (Phoenix 2023).

    Seminar Title: Beyond Neurosis 

    Freud’s Theory of Representation and the Expansion of Psychoanalytic Technique

    Seminar Description: Current analytic practice presents clinicians with aspects of their work for which the answers provided by an analytic theory centered exclusively on representation and neurotic organization proves insufficient. We are daily forced to encounter the problems of borderline organizations and ‘limit cases’ in which annihilation anxiety and survival and maintenance of identity and a sense of self is at stake. In order to better understand and address these problems, a psychoanalytic theory and conception of analytic functioning that goes beyond that of neurosis is required. Such a theory is indicated, but not yet fully developed, especially in Freud’s later writings beginning with Beyond the Pleasure Principle, The Ego and the Id, Negation and On Construction. The outlines of such a theoretical expansion have been further explicated by post-Freudian authors such as Bion, Winnicott, Andre Green, the Botellas and members of the Paris Psychosomatics School. This seminar will elaborate upon the concept of figurability, exploring the question and problems of ideational representation and transformation of unrepresented - i.e., non-ideationally represented - states and will address the implications of this proposed theoretical expansion for analytic technique.

    1.  Towards a two-track model of psychoanalysis

    • Levine, H.B. (2014). Towards a two-track model for psychoanalysis. Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise 34 [1]: 7-14.

    2. Freud’s theory of representation and the expansion of psychoanalytic technique

    • Levine, HB (2022). Affect, Representation and Language. Between the Silence and the Cry. London and New York: Routledge/IPA.

    3. Clinical Implications of unrepresented states

    • Case example (pp. 28-35) in Levine, H.B. (2022) Affect, Representation and Language. Between the Silence and the Cry. London and New York: Routledge/IPA.
    • Clinical implications of unrepresented states (pp. 36-48) in Levine, H.B. (2022) Affect, Representation and Language. Between the Silence and the Cry. London and New York: Routledge/IPA.
    •   Introduction (pp. 1-5) and Chapter 2 (pp. 19-28)

    4. Trauma, Process and Representation

    • Trauma, process and representation (pp. 91-105) in Levine, H.B. (2022) Affect, Representation and Language. Between the Silence and the Cry. London and New York: Routledge/IPA.

    5. Autism, ASD and Representation 

        - Making the unthinkable thinkable (pp. 106-121) in Levine, H.B. (2022) Affect,    Representation and Language.  Between the Silence and the Cry. London and    New York: Routledge/IPA.

    6. Psychosomatics and Unrepresented States

    - Word, body, thing – (pp. 122-131) in Levine, H.B. (2022) Affect, Representation and Language. Between the Silence and the Cry.

    • - Psychosomatics and unrepresented states – (132-142) in Levine, H.B. (2022) Affect, Representation and  Language. Between the Silence and the Cry. London and New York: Routledge/IPA.


    Levine, H.B. (2022) Affect, Representation and Language. Between the Silence and the Cry.London and New York: IPA/Routledge.

    Levine, H.B. (2010). Creating analysts, creating analytic patients. IJPA 91:1385-140Levine, H.B. (2012). The colourless canvas: Representation, therapeutic action and the creation of mind. IJPA 93: 607-629.

    Levine, H.B. (2021). Trauma, process and representation. IJPA 102: 794-807.

    Levine, H.B. (2023). On Looking Into The Ego and the Id 100 Years After Its Publica  tion. IJPA 104: 1054-1062.

    • 5 Apr 2025
    • 6 Apr 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • Kinzie Hotel, 20 West Kinzie St., Chicago, IL (and via Zoom)

    Don Carveth,PhD

    Guilt: A Contemporary Introduction

       April 5-6, 2025

    Kinzie Hotel

    20 West Kinzie Street, Chicago 

    & ZOOM

    Dr. Donald Carveth is emeritus professor of sociology and social and political thought at York University in Toronto.  He is a training and supervising analyst in the Canadian Institute of Psychoanalysis; a past Director of the Toronto Institute; a past editor in chief of the Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis.  He is the author of The Still Small Voice: Psychoanalytic Reflections of Guilt and Consciousness (Karnac, 2013); Psychoanalytic Thinking: a Dialectical Critique of Contemporary Theory and Practice (Routledge, 2018); and Guilt: A Contemporary Introduction (Routhledge 2023). Many of his publications are available on his York website ( and his current website (; his video lectures are available on his YouTube channel ( He is in private psychoanalytic practice in Toronto. 

    Seminar Title: Guilt: A Contemporary Introduction.

    Seminar description:  Employing my recent book by the same title as the main reading, we will cover: the nature and types of guilt; the nature and origin of conscience; the distinction between conscience and the superego Conflicts between conscience and superego; the invasion of guilt in psychoanalysis and society; working with guilt, super ego, and conscience in the clinic; the nature of the psychoanalytic cure.


    Carveth, D. (2013). “The Still Small  Voice: Psychoanalytic Reflections on Guilt and Conscience,” London: Karnac.

    Carveth, D. (2023). “Guilt: A Contemporary Introduction.” London: Routledge. 

    Carveth, D. (2023). Marching under the Banner of the Superego: Notes on the Mania for Reproaching. Paper presented as part of “The Political Mind” program of the British Psychoanalytic Society, May 30, 2023.  Online here:

    Frattaroli, E. (2013). Reflections on the absence of morality in psychoanalytic theory and practice. In S. Akhtar (Ed.), Guilt: Origins, Manifestations, and Management (pp. 83–110). New York: Jason Aronson.

    Freud, S. (1916). Some character-types met with in psycho-analytic work.. S.E., 14: 311–333. 

    Plus the Friday evening paper which he will supply directly to the candidates.

    • 24 May 2025
    • 25 May 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • Kinzie Hotel, 20 West Kinzie St., Chicago, IL (and via Zoom)

    Annie Reiner, PhD, PsyD, LCSW

    Meeting Bion's Challenge: Daring to Imagine
    The Selected Fact: A Clinical Case Study

       May 24-25, 2025

    Kinzie Hotel

    20 West Kinzie Street, Chicago 

    & ZOOM

    Dr. Annie Reiner is a senior faculty member and training analyst at The Psychoanalytic Center of California (PCC) in Los Angeles. Her work was greatly influenced by Wilfred Bion, with whom she studied in the 1970's.  She lectures throughout the world, is published in numerous journals and anthologies, and is the author of four psychoanalytic books, including—The Quest for Conscience & The Birth of the Mind (Karnac 2009), Bion and Being: Passion and the Creative Mind (Karnac 2012), Of Things Invisible to Mortal Sight: Celebrating The Work of James S. Grotstein (Karnac, 2017, and most recently, W.R. Bion’s Theories of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge, 2022). Based on these writings, Dr. James Grotstein ranked her “...high among Bion scholars.”  Her latest book, The Poetry, Art, and Science of Psychoanalysis in Bion’s O (Routledge, projected publication date, January 2025).

    Dr. Reiner is also a poet, painter, and a singer, and in addition to her psychoanalytic writings, she is the author of a book of short stories, four books of poems, and six children’s books which she also illustrated. She supervises and maintains a psychoanalytic practice in Beverly Hills, California. 

    Synopsis - Saturday Morning Presentation - May 24, 2025

    Meeting Bion’s Challenge: Daring To Imagine

    Bion’s ideas presented psychoanalysts with many challenges, the most mysterious of which is his concept of “O.” In this lecture, Dr. Reiner examines Bion’s association of O with the mystic, a word he used interchangeably with “genius” and “exceptional person.”  In doing so, Bion broadens the idea of O to include the creative or free thinker in any field, rather than the implicit connection only to traditionally religious ideas of the term mystic. Bion’s perspective is a kind of “secular mysticism,” reflecting a deeply intuitive state that is as likely to be used in science and art, as in religion. One challenge it presents to the psychoanalyst is to how to develop toward this kind of intuition. It brings with it further challenges of suspending ego functions of memory, desire, and understanding in order to facilitate access to an ontological level of truth not previously addressed in psychoanalysis. Dr. Reiner will examine to what extent we have met these challenges, and to what extent the mystery, confusion, and controversies surrounding O obstruct our capacities to do so.

    Synopsis - Saturday Afternoon Presentation - May 24, 2025

    Mystic Intuition and the Language of Dreams

    In this preliminary discussion of Bion’s most mysterious concept of O, Dr. Reiner provides a sense of this controversial and often misunderstood idea, along with a discussion of some of the reasons why it is so often misunderstood. She examines the distinction Bion makes between his idea of the mystic and its usual association with traditional religious thought. He described O as a waking dream state, called it,  “a peculiar state of mind... [where] the margin between being consciously awake...and being asleep, is extremely small”.  (Bion, 1978, p. 41).  However, he viewed this “peculiar state of mind” as the central psychoanalytic perspective, central to clinical work. Dr. Reiner explores the inherent difficulties in making contact with this state of mind, that is facilitated by the discipline of Bion’s well-known idea of the analyst’s need to suspend ego functions of memory, desire, and understanding.   Clinical examples will help in illustrating these essentially metaphysical ideas.Sunday seminar 

    Synopsis -Sunday seminar -May 25, 2025

    O in Mysticism, Poetry, and Psychoanalysis

    Dr. Annie Reiner will discuss in more depth the many aspects of Bion’s most controversial concept of O, representing absolute truth, the infinite, and the Godhead. A discussion of the notion of God in organized religion, versus that which Bion and others have called the ‘Godhead’ helps to differentiate the two.  Bion’s description of O as the domain of the mystic has often been confused with traditional religion that is felt to be anti-scientific, when in fact it is a kind of secular mysticism, as germane to psychoanalysis, art, and science as it is to religious thought. Dr. Reiner quotes Einstein:  

    The cosmic religious experience is the strongest and noblest mainspring of scientific research.” (Einstein, 1954, p. 117)

    For Einstein, as for Bion, the “cosmic religious experience” differs from the belief in religious dogma, or an anthropomorphic God, as it reflects the natural experience of awe and wonder in the face of a vast and inexplicable universal order that we cannot fully comprehend. 

    These and other ideas from Dr. Reiner’s newest book, The Poetry, Art, and Science of Psychoanalysis In Bion’s O, will be explored to help shed light on Bion’s mysterious waking-dream state of O. 

    It is the most important function of art and science to awaken [the cosmic religious] feeling and keep it alive in those who are receptive to it. (Einstein, 1954, p. 48)

    1 Einstein, A. (1954). Ideas and Opinions, New York: Dell Publishing Company. 

    2 Einstein, A. (1950). Out of My Later Years. New York: Philosophical Library. 


    Bion, W. R. (1962). Learning From Experience. New York: Basic Books.

    Bion, W. R. (1970).  Attention and Interpretation. London, Karnac

    Bion, W. R. (1974). Bion’s Brazilian Lectures I. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Imago Editora Ltda.

    Reiner, A. (2022). W.R. Bion’s Theories of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction, London: Routledge 

    Reiner, A. (2022). Limitations of Language in the Psychic Realm. In W.R. Bion’s Theories of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction (Chapter I, pp. 1-3), London: Routledge, 2022.

    Reiner, A. (2022). The Selected Fact. In W.R. Bion’s Theories of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction (Chapter 3, pp. 28-39), London: Routledge, 2022.

    “What language are we speaking?: Bion and early emotional development. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 81(1) 6-26 (March 2021). 

    • 21 Jun 2025
    • 22 Jun 2025
    • 2 sessions
    • Kinzie Hotel, 20 West Kinzie St., Chicago, IL (and via Zoom)

    Alan Bass, PhD

    Freud on Hatred, Aggression, Sadism, and Violence

       June 21-22, 2025

    Kinzie Hotel

    20 West Kinzie Street, Chicago 

    & ZOOM

    Alan Bass, PhD is a practicing analyst in New York City.  He is a training analyst and faculty member at IPTAR, and is also on the graduate philosophy faculty of The New School for Social Research.  He is the author of three books (Difference and Disavowal: The Trauma of Eros; Interpretation and Difference: The Strangeness of Care; and Fetishism, Philosophy, and Psychoanalysis: The Iridescent Thing)  and the translator of four books by Jacque Derrida.  He is one of the joint recipients of the JAPA 2021 best paper award for "Murderous Racism as Normal Psychosis: The Case of Dylann Roof), and is one of the internationally recognized Freud scholars invited to participate in a special issue of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis in honor of the publication of the Revised Standard Edition.

    Seminar Title :Freud on Hatred, Aggression, Sadism, and Violence

    Seminar Description:  The seminar will trace Freud's thinking on aggression, sadism, and violence.  It will show how understanding these issues in terms of individual psychodynamics leads to a psychoanalytic social theory, relevant to today's world conflicts.


    Totem and Taboo, Chap. 4, SE 13.

    "Instincts and Their Vicissitudes," SE 14.

    "Thoughts for the Times on War and Death," SE 14.

     Beyond the Pleasure Principle, SE 18.

     Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, SE 18.

     The Ego and the Id, Chaps. 3,4,5. SE

     Civilization and its Discontents, SE 21.

     Why War? SE 22.

*** Registration Now Open ***

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"Nothing human is alien to me"  --Terrence

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