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Fridays @CCP: Maternal Envy as Legacy: Search for the Unknown Lost Maternal Object (Jill Salberg, PhD)

  • 7 Jan 2022
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Zoom
  • 247


  • If you are a current CCP member, events are free of charge.
  • Non-CCP members who are also not students
  • Non-CCP members who are students. (No Continuing Education credit provided.)

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Fridays @ CCP Lecture Series

Jill Salberg, PhD., ABPP

(New York, NY)

Friday January 7, 2022

Maternal Envy as Legacy: Search for the Unknown Lost Maternal Object

7-9pm (CST): ZOOM Presentation and discussion

About the presentation: There has been a widening interest within psychoanalysis to understand the appearance and impact of intergenerational transmissions of trauma and the dissociative states of mind that cross from parents to their children.  Clinical material will be discussed showing how an early death of a mother ended uphaunting the lives of many generationsof mothers and daughters, refusing transformation. Considerations of attachment rupture, trauma, toxic envy, deadly and deadening aggression and shame will be discussed as part of transgenerational transmission phenomenon and how they are worked on in the analytic work. Envious attacks, while painful to tolerate, nonetheless need to be worked on within the analytic relationship so as to transform toxic transmissions from the past. 

Jill Salberg, PhD., ABPP is consultant/supervisor at the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis where she has taught Termination and will be teaching a class on Trans-generational Transmissions, is faculty/supervisor at the Stephen Mitchell Center for Relational Studies, Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy and member of IPTAR. She is the editor of and contributor to Good Enough Endings: Breaks, Interruptions and Terminations from Contemporary Relational Perspectives (2010). She has co-edited with Sue Grand, The Wounds of History: Repair and Resilience in the Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma, and Transgenerational Trauma and the Other: Dialogues Across History and Difference, (2017), both won the Gradiva Award (2018). She has conceived of and co-edits a book series, Psyche and Soul: Psychoanalysis, Spirituality and Religion in Dialogue.  Her forthcoming edited book Psychoanalytic Credos: Personal and Professional Journeys of Psychoanalysts will be published in 2021. She is in private practice in Manhattan.

Learning objectives:

1.Participants will be able to describe how traumatic experiences of loss and envy are transmitted transgenerationally from mother to daughter.

2.Participants will be able to explain how to work clinically with toxic transmissions of envy, aggression and shame.

This is an intermediate and advanced presentation

CCP members: free with annual $175 membership, payable at registration.
Students:free with annual $150 membership, payable at registration.
Fellows: free with annual $150 membership, payable at registration.
Non-CCP members, single admission: $50
Student non-members, single admission: $15

Continuing Education
This program is sponsored for Continuing Education Credits by the Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis. There is no commercial support for this program, nor are there any relationships between the continuing education sponsor, presenting organization, presenter, program content, research, grants or other funding that could be construed as conflicts of interest. Participants are asked to be aware of the need for privacy and confidentiality throughout the program. If the program content becomes stressful, participants are encouraged to process these feelings during discussion periods. The Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis maintains responsibility for this program and its content. CCP is licensed by the state of Illinois to sponsor continuing education credits for Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Social Workers, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors, Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapy Counselors and Licensed Clinical Psychologists (license no. 159.000941 and 268.000020 and 168.000238 Illinois Dept. of Financial and Professional Regulation).

Professionals holding the aforementioned credentials will receive 2.0 continuing education credits for attending the entire program. To receive these credits a completed evaluation form must be turned in at the end of the presentation and licensed psychologists must first complete a brief exam on the subject matter. No continuing education credit will be given for attending part of the presentation. Refunds for CE credit after the program begins will not be honored. If a participant has special needs or concerns about the program, s/he should contact Toula Kourliouros Kalven by January 6, 2022 at

References/Suggested Reading

Apprey, M. (1996). Phenomenology of Transgenerational Haunting: Subjects in Apposi- tion, Subjects on Urgent/Voluntary Errands. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Col- lections. 

Faimberg, H. (1988). The telescoping of generations: Genealogy of certain identifications. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 24:99-117.

Salberg, J. (2019). “Old Objects Die Hard: Generational Ruptures.” Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 29, (6): 637-652.

Salberg, J. (2015) “The Texture of Traumatic Attachment: Presence and Ghostly Absence in

Trans-generational Transmissions.” Psychoanalytic Quarterly, LXXXIV, 1: 21-46.

Schechter, D. (2017). On traumatically skewed intersubjectivity. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 37(4), 251–264. doi:10.1080/ 07351690.2017.1299500

Presented by
The Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis/CCP Program Committee: Carol Ganzer, PhD, Toula Kourliouros Kalven, Adina Bayuk Keesom, PsyD

The Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis is an IRS 501(C)(3) charitable organization, and expenses may be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law and your personal tax situation.

"Nothing human is alien to me"  --Terrence

(c) 2018 Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy

Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 6095, Evanston, IL 60204-6095

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