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  • Seminar: The Complications of Caring in Psychoanalytic Relationships (Elizabeth Corpt, MSW, LICSW)

Seminar: The Complications of Caring in Psychoanalytic Relationships (Elizabeth Corpt, MSW, LICSW)

  • 23 Mar 2024
  • (CDT)
  • 24 Mar 2024
  • (CDT)
  • 3 sessions
  • 23 Mar 2024, 9:00 AM 1:00 PM (CDT)
  • 23 Mar 2024, 2:30 PM 4:30 PM (CDT)
  • 24 Mar 2024, 9:00 AM 1:00 PM (CDT)
  • Kinzie Hotel, 20 West Kinzie St., Chicago, IL (and via Zoom)


  • Registration for audit (active candidates only):
    You are not committed to seminars which you plan to audit. You may audit a seminar-- for no credit and for a reduced fee of $200 per course -- if you are a current candidate and have not yet completed the required seminar component of the training, provided that you are registered for the minimum required number of seminars(three)and case conference per academic year. You may register to audit a course at any time during the academic year. If you decide to audit a seminar, please contact Toula Kourliouros-Kalven at tkalven@ccpsa.org.
  • Once you submit the registration form, you will be considered committed to the seminars for which you register for full credit and at full fee. With good reason, you may later substitute another seminar for one you are unable to take, but this must take place within the current academic year. Any changes must be discussed with and approved by Toula Kourliouros-Kalven (tkalven@ccpsa.org).
  • Registration for half-fee:
    If you have already completed the required 30 elective seminars and the clinical case conference requirement, and wish to take additional elective seminars and/or case conferences, you may do so at a reduced fee: one-half the tuition of a full credit seminar. You do not need to register in advance, but if you can, please do so. To register during the academic year, please contact Toula Kourliouros Kalven (tkalven@ccpsa.org).

    CCP Graduates and board members may also take elective seminars for 1/2 the full fee.

Registration is closed

Elizabeth Corpt, MSW, LICSW

March 22-24, 2024  

Kinzie Hotel ( Wolf Point Room, 5th floor)

20 West Kinzie Street, Chicago 


Elizabeth Corpt is Past-President, Supervising Analyst, Faculty Member, and Board Member of the Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis. She spent 20 years as Teaching Associate and Clinical Supervisor at the Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry at the Cambridge Health Alliance Program for Psychotherapy.  Currently the Co-Chief Editor of the journal Psychoanalysis, Self and Context, she has written, published, and presented on topics such as clinical generosity, the impact of social class on the forming of an analytic identity, and relational ethics. She maintains a private practice in Arlington, MA.

Seminar Title: The Complications of Caring in Psychoanalytic Relationships

Seminar Description: Are we caring for or are we treating our patients?  Do we enter the relationship from a position of therapeutic generosity or reserve?  In this seminar, we will be exploring the contours of relational ethics with the goal of increasing our awareness of how we make use of ourselves within the intimacy of a psychoanalytic relationship.

Aron, L. (2016). Mutual vulnerability: An ethics of clinical practice. In D.M. Goodman & E.R. Severson (Eds.), The Ethical Turn: Otherness and Subjectivity in Contemporary Psychoanalysis (pp.19-41).  London & New York: Routledge.

Buechler, S. (2010). No pain, no gain? Suffering and the analysis of defense. Contemp. Psychoanal., 46(3):334-354

Corpt, E. (2016) The complications of caring and the ethical turn in psychoanalysis. In D. M. Goodman & E. Severson (Eds.) The ethical turn: Otherness and subjectivity in contemporary psychoanalysis, (pp.109-116). London, Routledge.

Corpt, E. (2017) Maternal ethics and the therapeutic work of protecting open futures.

Psychoanal. Inquiry, 37: 412-418.

Corpt, E.A. (2018) The ethics of listening in psychoanalytic conversations.  Psychoanalysis, Self, and Context, 3: 220-228.

Corpt, E. (2020) Ethical labor: The ground between experience near and experience distant: Discussion of Cushman’s Two world’s or one. Psychoanalysis, Self, and Context, 3: 227-229.

 Kite, J.V. (2008).  Ideas of influence: The impact of the analyst’s character on the analysis.  Psychoanal. Q., 77:1075-1104.

"Nothing human is alien to me"  --Terrence

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